Hi guys,
I use a CustomListView to display a list of items, filled by "AddTextItem" method (it represents a "TO DO" list).
It would be useful to move each item up or down to reflect a priority property.
Is there a way to "MOVE" items or, at least to swap two of them (both text and value properties) ?
Thanks in advance
PS. I tried deleting and inserting items, but the visual effect is very ugly...
Hi guys,
I use a CustomListView to display a list of items, filled by "AddTextItem" method (it represents a "TO DO" list).
It would be useful to move each item up or down to reflect a priority property.
Is there a way to "MOVE" items or, at least to swap two of them (both text and value properties) ?
Thanks in advance
PS. I tried deleting and inserting items, but the visual effect is very ugly...
It's not that I don't appreciate your work, absolutely.
It was just to talk about the standard XCLV usage.
But any good alternative is of course welcome!
Usage: - Call dragger.AddDragButtons to add the drag button. - Call dragger.RemoveDragButtons to remove the buttons. - Call dragger.Resize when the parent resizes. See the attached example. For now it is a B4J only class. Depends on jXUI v1.91+ and xCustumListView v1.70+