B4R Question Data Received not processing


Hello All,
I am using GPS module to receive data from additional softwareserial port.
I am able to receive data properly.
But the data I received not processing. Log is showing 0[Zero] value.

Private Sub calculateLat(Received_raw_nmea() As Byte)
    Log(Received_raw_nmea) ===> Here showing the value [Two lines]
    Dim index As Int=0
'    'Checking for Available Status
    For Each s() As Byte In bc.Split(Received_raw_nmea,",")
    If index=3 Then
        Dim latbeforeparse() As Byte= s
        Log(latbeforeparse) ===>Not showing any value
            End If

Sub astream_newdata(rawnmea() As Byte)
    If bc.IndexOf2(rawnmea,"$GPRMC",0)> -1 Then
    End If
    DelayMicroseconds(1000) 'Delay to feed the data to the function
End Sub

The only strange thing is , when I am receiving the value I am getting two lines as below:

$GPVTG,,T,,M,0.175,N,0.324,K,A*2 ==> This is the extra line I am getting

Could you please advice why I am getting two lines, even if I am searching only for $GPRMC, and why no value is coming.