Hello, I've just found basic4ppc and it looks like an ideal solution for me. I need to port a Palm application across to Windows Mobile.
Can you tell me, what data storage options do I have? Specifically, I need to be able to send data files from the mobile device to my server via TCP, and the server needs to be able to read them. Palm's PDB format was ideal for this, so I'm wondering what options I have using Basic4PPC?
With basic4ppc you can use csv file or sql files as database source...
You can use the Rapi to sincronize folders and files or do a specific file operation whenever your device is conected to the desktop...You can also use the serial lib to send files vial Bluetooth, tcp, irda, etc...
So I guess that you should have no problem porting your app from palm...
Yes, sqllite.... goto the website, there you'll find a link to online help...
There's a complete manual on every oficial dll supported by bsaic4ppc, and how to use it...