Database Management Server/Client


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Hi to all,
there is an example that shows this type of operation?

DataBase resident on the server (example "db.sql")
the client must be able to perform any type of query (SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT etc.) and read/show the result.
It's too complicated?

thanks in advanced


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Hi, I've an idea but maybe wrong (I never used DataBase but Network.dll yes...):
On the server you get the command and you run it and finaly you send all data if available to the client with bin.Write...()


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Thanks for your interest
The two device have both Windows CE, I can not understand how to follow commands with socket.


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I looked the Thread "Using MySQL in Basic4PPC"....
This is an example of dataconnection:
Mysql.Open("Data Source=IPserver,Port;Initial Catalog=windip;User ID=aa;Password=1234;")
In Initial Catalog what should I put, the file name or a complet path?
Where I put The correct path of the file and how I set the UserId e Password on the device server?
Sorry but this is my first application with mysql :(


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Device Server and client are identical.
Are industrial touchscreen with windows ce 6.0.
The db is on the server in path: \flash\database.



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You should use the Network library to communicate between the devices, and send the instructions from the "client" device to the "server" device which will manage the database.

certainly is the best solution.
but I have a problem ... :cool:
how can I load the DataReader and the table with the object bynary (in client) when I send a "select...." to the server?
