Database Question

Bill Norris

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Am I correct in concluding that the best (or only?) way to read the sql table and load the data into a scrollview is by using the cursor object, one row at at time, one column at at time and filling a two dimensional array with the data. Then, after all data has been read, we iterate back through the array to fill the label views in the scrollview, adding rows as necessart until we have loaded all of the data?


Bill Norris

Active Member
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Longtime User
Thanks, Klaus. I've read your demos and am digesting it. I wasn't sure if it would be faster to read to an array first or fill the rows as you suggest. The main issue for me is getting the data from the database to the scrollview. I am so used to the datagridview from that, for the most part, does all of the "dirty work" for you.
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