Starting to build new app - would like to get recommedation / help to the following:
1. app will have local db of products - which database to use? (how to create it locally? is there any software that I can do it on my windows computer and then move it to the android)
2. user can add his own products - which sql to use?
3. user can send his products to the internet (server) and get update from that server
I am working with sql(ite) databases and I find them easy to handle in B4A.
Transactions are carried out fast (way faster then in Windows Mobile)
To maintain the database I use the Mozilla Firefoxplug SQLite Manager.
you can use SQLite Manager, or SQLiteBrowser (free for non commercial use) it will let you input manually, or copy/paste SQL to import data. Make sure that every table has a PrimaryKey. SQLite is probably the best choice but if you would want for example OpenOffice compatybility you may consider HSQL dB, there are other alternatives as well....