B4A Library DatalogicSDK for Datalogic Scanner (beta)

This is a wrap in Development for Datalogic Scanner.

As of now it is only tested on a
- Datalogic Joja Touch A6. Nearly everything is working here for me with my Joja device. Except the Keyboardmanager and all it´s functions. I just did not tried it so far...
- Datalogic Menor 1. Here some things are not working. A Menor 1 device is on it´s way to me so i can check the problem then. UPDATE: The Menor needs to have a Firmware with SDK Version 1.14 at minimum. A new Firmware will be available soon.

Other devices are not tested.


Author: DonManfred
Version: 0.30
  • BarcodeManager
    • Events:
      • onRead (code As String, barcodetype As String)
      • onScanDeinit()
      • onScanInit()
      • onScanStarted()
      • onScanStopped()
      • onScanTimeout()
    • Functions:
      • AddReadListener
      • AddStartListener
      • AddStopListener
      • AddTimeoutListener
      • commitProperties As Int
      • CreateReadListener
      • CreateStartListener
      • CreateStopListener
      • CreateTimeoutListener
      • enableAllSymbologies (enable As Boolean) As Int
      • enableSymbology (barcodeType As String, enable As Boolean) As Int
      • GetProperties (b4alist As List)
      • Initialize (EventName As String) As MyMap
      • isInitialized As Boolean
        Checks if the Scanner Service is correctly initialized.
        Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DecodeException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
        otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DecodeException} error constants.
      • isSymbologyEnabled (barcodeType As String) As Boolean
      • isSymbologySupported (barcodeType As String) As Boolean
      • pressTrigger As Int
      • release As Int
      • releaseTrigger As Int
      • RemoveReadListener
      • RemoveStartListener
      • RemoveStopListener
      • RemoveTimeoutListener
      • startDecode As Int
        Get String Property from Batterymanager
      • startDecode2 (timeout As Int) As Int
      • stopDecode As Int
    • Properties:
      • dnotification As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.DecodingNotification [read only]
      • ean8 As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.Ean8 [read only]
      • Editor As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor [read only]
      • Formatting As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.Formatting [read only]
      • goodread As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.GoodRead [read only]
      • intentWedge As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentWedge [read only]
      • LedGOODREAD As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led [read only]
      • LedGREENSPOT As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led [read only]
      • LedNOTIFICATION As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led [read only]
      • scannerOptions As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ScannerOptions [read only]
  • BatteryStatus
    • Functions:
      • Initialize (EventName As String)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
    • Properties:
      • BatteryStateOfHealth As Int [read only]
      • CapacityFull As Int [read only]
      • CapacityRemaining As Int [read only]
      • ChargeCurrentMax As Int [read only]
      • DischargeCurrentMax As Int [read only]
      • TemperatureMax As Int [read only]
      • TemperatureMin As Int [read only]
      • TimeToEmpty As Int [read only]
  • DecodingNotification
    • Functions:
      • Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
    • Properties:
      • goodReadAudioFile As String
      • goodReadAudioMode As String
      • goodReadCount As Int
      • goodReadDuration As Int
      • goodReadInterval As Int
  • Ean8
    • Functions:
      • convertToEan13 As Boolean
      • Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
    • Properties:
      • enable As Boolean
      • sendChecksum As Boolean [write only]
  • Formatting
    • Functions:
      • enableexternalFormatting (value As Boolean)
      • Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • removeNonPrintableChars (value As Boolean)
      • store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
    • Properties:
      • gsSubstitution As String [write only]
      • labelPrefix As String [write only]
      • labelSuffix As String [write only]
  • GoodRead
    • Functions:
      • Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
    • Properties:
      • goodReadEnable As Boolean
      • goodReadLedEnable As Boolean
      • goodReadVibrateEnable As Boolean
      • greenSpotEnable As Boolean
  • IntentDeliveryModes
    • Fields:
      • BROADCAST As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentDeliveryMode
      • START_ACTIVITY As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentDeliveryMode
      • START_SERVICE As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentDeliveryMode
  • IntentWedge
    • Functions:
      • Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
    • Properties:
      • Action As String
      • Category As String
      • DeliveryMode As String
      • Enable As Boolean
      • extraBarcodeData As String
      • extraBarcodeString As String
      • extraBarcodeType As String
  • KeyboardManager
    • Functions:
      • clearAllMappings As Int
        Removes all the configured mappings. Whenever this method is called, all
        the current active mappings are cleared and removed.
        Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
        otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants.
      • clearMapping (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As Int
        Removes a single active mapping. The current active mapping for the
        selected {@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry}, if
        existing, is removed.
        scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code, mapped that must be removed.
        Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
        otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants.
      • disableKey (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry, disable As Boolean) As Int
        Disables completely a single physical key, through the {@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry} data structure.
        When a key is disabled, no input will be produced whenever key presses are detected. When a key is again re-enabled,
        is reset to its original value, so any previous mapping is automatically lost.
        scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code, associated to the physical key.
        disable: a <code>boolean</code> that specifies whether or not the key will be disabled.
        Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
        otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants.
      • getIntent (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As Intent
        Returns current mapping between a physical key and an Intent.
        scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
        Return type: @return:Intent used to launch an Android activity through the
        Context.startActivity(Intent intent) method. Returns null in case
        there is no association.
      • getKeyCode (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As com.datalogic.device.input.KeyCodeEntry
        Returns current mapping between a physical scan code key and an Android key code.
        scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
        Return type: @return:{@link KeyCodeEntry} representing an Android key code and meta state. Returns null in case there
        is no association.
      • getUnicode (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As Character
        Returns current mapping between a physical key and a unicode character.
        scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
        Return type: @return:unicode character. Returns null in case there is no association.
      • Initialize
      • isKeyDisabled (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry) As Boolean
        Checks if a physical key is disabled.
        scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code, associated to the physical key.
        Return type: @return:<code>boolean</code> True in case the key is disabled, false otherwise or in case of error.
      • lockInput (lock As Boolean) As Int
        Locks or unlocks the input from keyboard and physical buttons.
        lock: <code>boolean</code> it specifies whether or not the keyboard will be locked.
        Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
        otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants.
      • mapIntent (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry, intent As Intent) As Int
        Assigns an Intent to a physical key. If a mapping for the desired
        physical key is already assigned and saved, it will be overridden.
        scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
        intent: Intent used to launch an Android activity through the
        Context.startActivity(Intent intent) method. <br>
        Example code to make Camera Activity capture an image on the
        front scan trigger pressure:<br>
        <code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapIntent(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_FRONT_TRIGGER), new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE));</code>
        Example code to make BarcodeManager capture a barcode on the
        front scan trigger pressure and to stop capturing on the front
        scan trigger release:<br>
        <code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapIntent(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_FRONT_TRIGGER), new Intent(BarcodeManager.ACTION_START_DECODE));</code>
        Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
        otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants.
      • mapKeyCode (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry, keyCode As com.datalogic.device.input.KeyCodeEntry) As Int
        Assigns a virtual key code to a physical key. If a mapping for the
        desired physical key is already assigned and saved, it will be
        scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
        keyCode: a {@link KeyCodeEntry} representing the Android key code and meta state. <br>
        Example code to avoid any keyboard event on the left scan
        trigger pressure:<br>
        <code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapKeyCode(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_LEFT_TRIGGER), new KeyCodeEntry(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN));</code>
        Example code to map the left scan trigger to the Android left
        trigger button key code:<br>
        <code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapKeyCode(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_LEFT_TRIGGER), new KeyCodeEntry(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BUTTON_L1));</code>
        Example code to map the enter key to the Android home key
        <code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapKeyCode(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_RIGHT_ENTER), new KeyCodeEntry(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME));</code>
        Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
        otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants.
      • mapUnicode (scanCode As com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry, c As Character) As Int
        Assigns a unicode character to a physical key. If a mapping for the
        desired physical key is already assigned and saved, it will be
        scanCode: a {@link VScanEntry} representing the virtual scan code.
        c: unicode character <br>
        Example code to assign a Thai unicode character to the
        physical key '1':<br>
        <code>(new KeyboardManager()).mapUnicode(new VScanEntry(VScanCode.VSCAN_1), '\\u0e01');</code>
        Return type: @return:<code>int</code> {@link DeviceException#SUCCESS} in case of success,
        otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the {@link DeviceException} error constants.
    • Properties:
      • AvailableTriggers As java.util.List [read only]
        Returns the available triggers in the device.
      • InputLocked As Boolean [read only]
        Tells if the input from keyboard is locked.
      • KeyboardLayout As Int(,) [read only]
        Returns the physical keyboard layout. It can be used by application for
        keyboard remapping.
      • MappedIntents As java.util.Map [read only]
        Provides a {@link java.util.Map}<
        {@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry},
        {@link <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html">android.content.Intent</a>}
        > containing all the stored and active Android Intent mappings.
      • MappedKeyCodes As java.util.Map [read only]
        Provides a {@link java.util.Map}<
        {@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry}, {@link com.datalogic.device.input.KeyCodeEntry}>
        containing all the stored and active Android key codes mappings.
      • MappedUnicodes As java.util.Map [read only]
        Provides a {@link java.util.Map}<
        {@link com.datalogic.device.input.VScanEntry},
        {@link java.lang.Character}> containing all the stored and active
        Character mappings.
  • KeyboardWedge
    • Functions:
      • Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
    • Properties:
      • Enable As Boolean
      • onlyOnFocus As Boolean
      • wedgeMode As String
  • LedManager
    • Functions:
      • blinkLed (id As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led, count As Int, onMS As Int, offMS As Int) As Int
      • blinkLed2 (id As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led, ARGB As Int, count As Int, onMS As Int, offMS As Int) As Int
      • Initialize (EventName As String)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • setLed (id As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led, enable As Boolean) As Int
      • setLed2 (id As com.datalogic.device.notification.Led, enable As Boolean, ARGB As Int) As Int
  • ManufacturerInfo
    • Functions:
      • Initialize (EventName As String)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
    • Properties:
      • Manufacturer As String [read only]
      • ModelName As String [read only]
      • ProductionMonth As Int [read only]
      • ProductionWeek As Int [read only]
      • ProductionYear As Int [read only]
      • SerialNumber As String [read only]
      • Technology As String [read only]
  • PowerManager
    • Functions:
      • activateWakeup (source As com.datalogic.device.power.WakeupSource) As Int
      • clearWakeup (source As com.datalogic.device.power.WakeupSource) As Int
      • getSuspendTimeout (externalPower As Boolean) As Int
      • Initialize (EventName As String)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • isWakeupSupported (source As com.datalogic.device.power.WakeupSource) As Boolean
      • reboot (resetType As com.datalogic.device.BootType) As Int
      • setSuspendTimeout (timeout As com.datalogic.device.power.SuspendTimeout, externalPower As Boolean) As Int
    • Properties:
      • RebootReason As String [read only]
  • ScannerOptions
    • Functions:
      • Initialize (EventName As String, manager As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGetter)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • store (to As com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyEditor, persist As Boolean)
    • Properties:
      • aimEnable As Boolean
      • decodeTimeout As Int
      • displayModeEnable As Boolean
      • illuminationEnable As Boolean
      • picklistEnable As Boolean
      • targetMode As String
  • ToneNotificationModes
    • Fields:
      • AUDIO_FILE As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ToneNotificationMode
      • BEEP As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ToneNotificationMode
      • NONE As com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ToneNotificationMode
  • Trigger
    • Fields:
        ID for AutoScan trigger.
        ID for Front trigger.
      • TRIGGER_ID_LEFT As Int
        ID for Left trigger.
        ID for Motion trigger.
        ID for Pistol trigger.
        ID for Right trigger.
- A Datalogic Scanner with SDK Version 1.14+

Please create a new thread in the questionsforum for any Issue or Question you have.


  • datalogicsdkV0.18.zip
    125.6 KB · Views: 471
  • DatalogicSDKExample.zip
    152.7 KB · Views: 541
  • datalogicsdkV0.25.zip
    147.2 KB · Views: 493
  • datalogicsdkV0.30.zip
    182.6 KB · Views: 525
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
A very interesting library

Your JOJA DEVICE is this attached to the image?
if it is not, you could pass me a link to see what it is, I would be interested in buying one to do tests

Thank you

johan vetsuypens

Licensed User
Longtime User
FYI : 'Joya Touch A6' and 'Memor 1' have the exact physical dimensions and looks. Also their accessories are identical.

Joya Touch A6 : Android 7.1 No GMS : https://www.datalogic.com/eng/retai...ns/mobile-computers/joya-touch-a6-pd-820.html
Memor 1 : Android 8.1 with GMS : https://www.datalogic.com/eng/retail-transportation-logistics/mobile-computers/memor-1-pd-844.html

Joya Touch A6 is more useful in a selfshopping environment like :

johan vetsuypens

Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes. They are called cradles. They are used for wireless charging of the devices. Also, these cradles have a locking mechanism. From the Joya SDK (via NFC) you can unlock the Joya out of the cradle. It can't be removed without a software action. Datalogic has 2 types of cradles. With or without locking of the device.


Licensed User
Hi DonManfred, loading the project tells me that the BarcodeManager library is not present.
I wanted to use this project as an example to integrate another type of product from another brand (which however uses almost the same methods and makes the libraries available in java


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi DonManfred, loading the project tells me that the BarcodeManager library is not present.
1. Copy the library files into the additional library folder. and reload the libraries in the IDE
2. Open the example

It works for me.

For ANY other questions please create a new thread in the questionsforum. Posting to this thread is a mistake.


Licensed User
Hello Manfred

On the OnRead event of the BarcodeManager object, if I display the data in the logs, no problem.
As soon as I want to pass the data to a function to display the data on a window I get the following error
"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: method b4a.example.starter._pda_onread argument 3 has type de.donmanfred.decode.DecodeResultwrapper, got com.datalogic.decode.Barcode"

The function in the Main window is as follows:

Public Sub AfficheCAB(Code, TypeCode)
    LblCodebarre.Text = Code
    LblSymbologie.Text = TypeCode
End Sub

Calling the function in OnRead:
CallSub3(Main, "AfficheCAB", result. Text, result. BarcodeID)


  • Dexis - Datalogic.zip
    14.5 KB · Views: 81
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