Date Condition


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I have two string variable A & B that contains Data value,if I check the Less condition for two variable it show an error "NumberFormatException".Pls advise where it is code is below

A = "2011-06-01"
B = "2011-06-21"

if A < B Then
" Error Message : NumberFormatException"
End if


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Although your strings contain dates, they are still strings.

You might be better to use DateParse(date as string) which will convert the date in the string into a long. If you do that with both strings, the comparison will then work.

See the DateParse() documentation in the Core library.

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JMB is right, here an example:

   Dim a1 As Long, b1 As Long
   Dim A As String, B As String
   DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"  '!IMPORTANT
   A = "2011-06-01"
   B = "2011-06-21"
   a1 = DateTime.DateParse(A)
   b1 = DateTime.DateParse(B)
   If a1 < b1 Then
      Msgbox("A is an earlier date.","Result")
   End If

or shorter:

   If DateTime.DateParse("2011-06-01") < DateTime.DateParse("2011-06-21") Then
      Msgbox("First half of June.","Result")
   End If
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