Hi guys! I apologize if my English is not very good. :)
Some time ago, I found a code in VB6 at this address that converts Gregorian dates to Hebrew, lunar, and solar dates. The code is very accurate and effective. So I wanted to convert it for B4J. However, there was a problem that sometimes the converted code made incorrect calculations. After much investigation, I realized that the data types and functions in VB6 are different from B4J.
For example, the Cint() function in VB6 does not always return the integer part of a decimal number and sometimes rounds the number. For example, Cint(2.5) equals 2, but Cint(1.5) does not equal 1, and the output of the function is 2. And the output of Cint(1.4) equals 1. In fact, the Cint function in VB6 rounds the number to the nearest even number at the boundary of 0.5 between two numbers. While As(int) in B4J returns the integer part of the decimal number.
I finally solved its problems one by one and turned it into a library for B4J. I hope it will be useful.

This library includes the following classes:

Author: S.Hossein.Razavi.S
Version: 1.00

  • JulianDate
    • Initialize As JulianDate
    • SetDate(year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As JulianDate
    • Copy As JulianDate
    • DayOfMonth As Int
    • Month As Int
    • Year As Int
    • JDN As Long
      Julian days number value
    • ToString As String
      Shows the date in yyyy/MM/dd format
    • IsLeapYear As Boolean
    • IsLeapYear2(year As Int) As Boolean
    • ToHijriDate As HijriDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToIslamicDate As IslamicDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToPersianDate As PersianDate
      Converts the date to the solar hijri (jalali) date
    • ToCivilDate As CivilDate
      Converts the date to the civil date
    • ToGregorianDate As GregorianDate
      Converts the date to the Gregorian date
    • ToHebrewDate As HebrewDate
      Converts the date to the Hebrew date
    • ToDateTime As Long
      Converts the date to the Date and Time (in b4x)
    • AddDays(days As Int) As JulianDate
    • AddMonths(months As Int) As JulianDate
    • AddYears(years As Int) As JulianDate
    • DayOfWeek As Int
      Returns the number of the weekday from Monday (1 means Monday and 7 means Sunday)
    • WeekDayName As String
      Returns the name of the weekday
    • DaysInYear As Int
    • DaysInYear2(year As Int) As Int
    • DaysOfYear As Int
    • DaysInMonth As Int
    • DaysInMonth2(year As Int, month As Int) As Int
    • DateDifference(tDate As JulianDate) As Long
    • DateDifference2(tDate1 As JulianDate, tDate2 As JulianDate) As Long
    • GetWeekOfYear(firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
    • GetWeekOfYear2(targetDate As JulianDate, firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
  • GregorianDate
    • Initialize As GregorianDate
    • SetDate(year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As GregorianDate
    • Copy As GregorianDate
    • DayOfMonth As Int
    • Month As Int
    • Year As Int
    • JDN As Long
      Julian days number value
    • ToString As String
      Shows the date in yyyy/MM/dd format
    • IsLeapYear As Boolean
    • IsLeapYear2(year As Int) As Boolean
    • ToHijriDate As HijriDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToIslamicDate As IslamicDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToPersianDate As PersianDate
      Converts the date to the solar hijri (jalali) date
    • ToJulianDate As JulianDate
      Converts the date to the Julian date
    • ToCivilDate As CivilDate
      Converts the date to the Gregorian (Civil) date
    • ToHebrewDate As HebrewDate
      Converts the date to the Hebrew date
    • ToDateTime As Long
      Converts the date to the Date and Time (in b4x)
    • AddDays(days As Int) As GregorianDate
    • AddMonths(months As Int) As GregorianDate
    • AddYears(years As Int) As GregorianDate
    • DayOfWeek As Int
      Returns the number of the weekday from Monday (1 means Monday and 7 means Sunday)
    • WeekDayName As String
      Returns the name of the weekday
    • DaysInYear As Int
    • DaysInYear2(year As Int) As Int
    • DaysOfYear As Int
    • DaysInMonth As Int
    • DaysInMonth2(year As Int, month As Int) As Int
    • DateDifference(tDate As GregorianDate) As Long
    • DateDifference2(tDate1 As GregorianDate, tDate2 As GregorianDate) As Long
    • GetWeekOfYear(firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
    • GetWeekOfYear2(targetDate As GregorianDate, firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
  • CivilDate
    • Initialize As CivilDate
    • SetDate(year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As CivilDate
    • Copy As CilivilDate
    • DayOfMonth As Int
    • Month As Int
    • Year As Int
    • JDN As Long
      Julian days number value
    • ToString As String
      Shows the date in yyyy/MM/dd format
    • IsLeapYear As Boolean
    • IsLeapYear2(year As Int) As Boolean
    • ToHijriDate As HijriDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToIslamicDate As IslamicDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToPersianDate As PersianDate
      Converts the date to the solar hijri (jalali) date
    • ToJulianDate As JulianDate
      Converts the date to the Julian date
    • ToGregorianDate As GregorianDate
      Converts the date to the Gregorian date
    • ToHebrewDate As HebrewDate
      Converts the date to the Hebrew date
    • ToDateTime As Long
      Converts the date to the Date and Time (in b4x)
    • AddDays(days As Int) As CivilDate
    • AddMonths(months As Int) As CivilDate
    • AddYears(years As Int) As CivilDate
    • DayOfWeek As Int
      Returns the number of the weekday from Monday (1 means Monday and 7 means Sunday)
    • WeekDayName As String
      Returns the name of the weekday
    • DaysInYear As Int
    • DaysInYear2(year As Int) As Int
    • DaysOfYear As Int
    • DaysInMonth As Int
    • DaysInMonth2(year As Int, month As Int) As Int
    • DateDifference(tDate As CivilDate) As Long
    • DateDifference2(tDate1 As CivilDate, tDate2 As CivilDate) As Long
    • GetWeekOfYear(firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
    • GetWeekOfYear2(targetDate As CivilDate, firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
  • IslamicDate
    • Initialize As IslamicDate
    • SetDate(year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As IslamicDate
    • Copy As IslamicDate
    • DayOfMonth As Int
    • Month As Int
    • Year As Int
    • JDN As Long
      Julian days number value
    • ToString As String
      Shows the date in yyyy/MM/dd format
    • IsLeapYear As Boolean
    • IsLeapYear2(year As Int) As Boolean
    • ToHijriDate As HijriDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToCivilDate As CivilDate
      Converts the date to the Civil (Gregorian) date
    • ToPersianDate As PersianDate
      Converts the date to the solar hijri (jalali) date
    • ToJulianDate As JulianDate
      Converts the date to the Julian date
    • ToGregorianDate As GregorianDate
      Converts the date to the Gregorian date
    • ToHebrewDate As HebrewDate
      Converts the date to the Hebrew date
    • ToDateTime As Long
      Converts the date to the Date and Time (in b4x)
    • AddDays(days As Int) As IslamicDate
    • AddMonths(months As Int) As IslamicDate
    • AddYears(years As Int) As IslamicDate
    • DayOfWeek As Int
      Returns the number of the weekday from Monday (1 means Monday and 7 means Sunday)
    • WeekDayName As String
      Returns the name of the weekday
    • DaysInYear As Int
    • DaysInYear2(year As Int) As Int
    • DaysOfYear As Int
    • DaysInMonth As Int
    • DaysInMonth2(year As Int, month As Int) As Int
    • DateDifference(tDate As IslamicDate) As Long
    • DateDifference2(tDate1 As IslamicDate, tDate2 As IslamicDate) As Long
    • GetWeekOfYear(firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
    • GetWeekOfYear2(targetDate As IslamicDate, firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
  • HijriDate
    • Initialize As HijriDate
    • SetDate(year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As HijriDate
    • Copy As HijriDate
    • DayOfMonth As Int
    • Month As Int
    • Year As Int
    • JDN As Long
      Julian days number value
    • ToString As String
      Shows the date in yyyy/MM/dd format
    • IsLeapYear As Boolean
    • IsLeapYear2(year As Int) As Boolean
    • ToIslamicDate As IslamicDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToCivilDate As CivilDate
      Converts the date to the Civil date
    • ToPersianDate As PersianDate
      Converts the date to the solar hijri (jalali) date
    • ToJulianDate As JulianDate
      Converts the date to the Julian date
    • ToGregorianDate As GregorianDate
      Converts the date to the Gregorian date
    • ToHebrewDate As HebrewDate
      Converts the date to the Hebrew date
    • ToDateTime As Long
      Converts the date to the Date and Time (in b4x)
    • AddDays(days As Int) As HijriDate
    • AddMonths(months As Int) As HijriDate
    • AddYears(years As Int) As HijriDate
    • DayOfWeek As Int
      Returns the number of the weekday from Monday (1 means Monday and 7 means Sunday)
    • WeekDayName As String
      Returns the name of the weekday
    • DaysInYear As Int
    • DaysInYear2(year As Int) As Int
    • DaysOfYear As Int
    • DaysInMonth As Int
    • DaysInMonth2(year As Int, month As Int) As Int
    • DateDifference(tDate As HijriDate) As Long
    • DateDifference2(tDate1 As HijriDate, tDate2 As HijriDate) As Long
    • GetWeekOfYear(firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
    • GetWeekOfYear2(targetDate As HijriDate, firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
  • PersianDate
    • Initialize As PersianDate
    • SetDate(year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As PersianDate
    • Copy As PersianDate
    • DayOfMonth As Int
    • Month As Int
    • Year As Int
    • JDN As Long
      Julian days number value
    • ToString As String
      Shows the date in yyyy/MM/dd format
    • IsLeapYear As Boolean
    • IsLeapYear2(year As Int) As Boolean
    • ToHijriDate As HijriDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToCivilDate As CivilDate
      Converts the date to the Civil date
    • ToIslamicDate As IslamicDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToJulianDate As JulianDate
      Converts the date to the Julian date
    • ToGregorianDate As GregorianDate
      Converts the date to the Gregorian date
    • ToHebrewDate As HebrewDate
      Converts the date to the Hebrew date
    • ToDateTime As Long
      Converts the date to the Date and Time (in b4x)
    • AddDays(days As Int) As PersianDate
    • AddMonths(months As Int) As PersianDate
    • AddYears(years As Int) As PersianDate
    • DayOfWeek As Int
      Returns the number of the weekday from Monday (1 means Monday and 7 means Sunday)
    • WeekDayName As String
      Returns the name of the weekday
    • DaysInYear As Int
    • DaysInYear2(year As Int) As Int
    • DaysOfYear As Int
    • DaysInMonth As Int
    • DaysInMonth2(year As Int, month As Int) As Int
    • DateDifference(tDate As PersianDate) As Long
    • DateDifference2(tDate1 As PersianDate, tDate2 As PersianDate) As Long
    • GetWeekOfYear(firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
    • GetWeekOfYear2(targetDate As PersianDate, firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
  • HebrewDate
    • Initialize As HebrewDate
    • SetDate(year As Int, month As Int, day As Int) As HebrewDate
    • Copy As HebrewDate
    • DayOfMonth As Int
    • Month As Int
    • Year As Int
    • JDN As Long
      Julian days number value
    • ToString As String
      Shows the date in yyyy/MM/dd format
    • IsLeapYear As Boolean
    • IsLeapYear2(year As Int) As Boolean
    • ToHijriDate As HijriDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToCivilDate As CivilDate
      Converts the date to the Civil date
    • ToIslamicDate As IslamicDate
      Converts the date to the lunar hijri date
    • ToJulianDate As JulianDate
      Converts the date to the civil date
    • ToGregorianDate As GregorianDate
      Converts the date to the Gregorian date
    • ToPersianDate As PersianDate
      Converts the date to the solar hijri (jalali) date
    • ToDateTime As Long
      Converts the date to the Date and Time (in b4x)
    • AddDays(days As Int) As HebrewDate
    • AddMonths(months As Int) As HebrewDate
    • AddYears(years As Int) As HebrewDate
    • DayOfWeek As Int
      Returns the number of the weekday from Monday (1 means Monday and 7 means Sunday)
    • WeekDayName As String
      Returns the name of the weekday
    • DaysInYear As Int
    • DaysInYear2(year As Int) As Int
    • DaysOfYear As Int
    • DaysInMonth As Int
    • DaysInMonth2(year As Int, month As Int) As Int
    • DateDifference(tDate As HebrewDate) As Long
    • DateDifference2(tDate1 As HebrewDate, tDate2 As HebrewDate) As Long
    • GetWeekOfYear(firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int
    • GetWeekOfYear2(targetDate As HebrewDate, firstDayOfWeek As Int) As Int

  • 1.00
    • Release

The following example shows how to use the library:
Private Sub button1_Click
    Dim dt1 As CivilDate
    Log (dt1.Initialize.ToString) ' Returns 2024/12/05
    Log (dt1.AddDays(7).ToHebrewDate.ToString) 'Returns 5785/03/11
End Sub

Please test it, friends, and if there are any bugs or issues, let me know so I can fix them. If you have any ideas on how to improve this library, please share them. Thanks.


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  • RzvDateConverter_B4j.xml
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