DateTime.DateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Dim d As Long
d=DateTime.DateParse("2018-02-24 00:00:00")
Dim t As Long
Dim p As Period
p.Hours = DateTime.GetHour(t)
p.Minutes = DateTime.GetMinute(t)
p.Seconds = DateTime.GetSecond(t)
Dim NextTime As Long = DateUtils.AddPeriod(d, p)
DateTime.DateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Dim d As Long = DateDialog.DateTicks
Dim t As Long = TimeDialog.TimeTicks
Dim p As Period
p.Hours = DateTime.GetHour(t)
p.Minutes = DateTime.GetMinute(t)
p.Seconds = DateTime.GetSecond(t)
Dim NextTime As Long = DateUtils.AddPeriod(d, p)
Thanks much, it really works !
I just wanted to understand what values are returned by the dialogs, as their Long values cannot be just summed. TimeDialog returns the negative long value.
I mean - how to calculate the single long result from the two dialogs results without extra funсtions, just by arithmetics