The attached pic is from android 4.03 using Dialogs Andrew Graham's Dialogs Library v2.8
The DialogsDemo example I downloaded shows the simple day-month-year pop up dialog when I run it on either the emulator or my device which are both 4,03 How is that possible?
That was the answer I was looking for.
And one more: If I keep this line android:targetSdkVersion="14"
will the app run on older android versions?
Also if i keep this line, is there a way to use the "old" style just for the datedialog?
Thank you
You mean on newer devices the new style will be used?
4.03 devices use a simple datedialog like the old style, when you choose to enter date manually and not get it from the network. Could there be a way for this?
Thank you.
I've got the same problem for the datedialog, on newer devices the dialog has the calendar shown. Problem is that on 3.5" or 4" devices the calendar does not fit the screen and the view is unusable.
Searching Android Developers I saw the implementation on API 17 has a calendarViewShown property to show/hide the calendar.
I have been through this thread carefully because I am having the same problem that I can't get a simple Date Picker to show in the 'Old Style', but rather get the 'New Style' that does not fit into the box it is in. I have tried everything with the Manifest Editor, changing that line, omitting it etc. Even when I use Andrew Graham's Dialogs example I still get the new style. I mostly use the AnotherDatePicker Class, but have one instance where I need to use the old style.
Could it be have something to do with the fact that I upgraded to API17 in order to install UltimateListView?
Searching Android Developers I saw the implementation on API 17 has a calendarViewShown property to show/hide the calendar.
Yes, I tried it at "4", I tried removing it, but still get the new DateDialog with Calendar on right.
Are there any examples on how to hide that Calendar as mentioned above, cause if it is out the way it probably wont be much different from the old simple one.