Hi Erel.
There seems to be an error in the DateTime.TimeFormat function.
With a given time in a given TimeFormat changing the time format and displaying it changes the time by one hour in certain time zones and is OK in others.
The code below shows the problem.
Sub Activity_Resume
Dim Time1, Time2, TimeFormat As String
Dim TimeTicks As Long
Time1 = "10:15"
TimeFormat = DateTime.TimeFormat
DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"
TimeTicks = DateTime.TimeParse(Time1)
DateTime.TimeFormat = TimeFormat
Time2 = DateTime.Time(TimeTicks)
Label1.Text = Time1
Label2.Text = Time2
End Sub
Three examples:
With Central Euroean Time (Brussels) it's OK
With Greenwich time one hour difference
With Estern Time (New York) it's OK
Best regards.