DBUtils example does not compile


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Hi - sorry if this is a noob question - I have used lots of different programming languages over the years - new to this one tho!

I setup basic4android IDE and confirmed that 'Hello World. App works fine so I am pretty sure my environment is OK.

I am interested in developing an app using DBUtils - so I downloaded the example, but when I try and compile, I get this error :-

Parsing code. Error
Error parsing program.
Error description: Unknown type: filedialog
Are you missing a library reference?
Occurred on line: 23
Dim FileDialog1 As FileDialog

For this bit of code :-
Sub Globals
Dim lblDatabase As Label
Dim lstTables As ListView
Dim FileDialog1 As FileDialog
Dim lblChooseTable As Label
Dim Label2 As Label
Dim lblBasic4android As Label
End Sub

I wondered if it was due to the Android Library that I am using, level 9, 2.3, or whether I need to import a custom library into my library path....

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but after an hour of looking for the answer last night, I thought I'd ask..
