Android Question DBUtils ExecuteHTML help needed


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Hi Erel and everyone else who may be able to answer this question, i'm working on an app which requires a listview, i purchased the Ultimate ListView and although i love it i'm having a performance issue with this listview, i have over 10000 items that need to go on that list, unfortunately the list takes around 15 seconds to load all the items. I just tried loading those items using the webview and the DBUtilities class and it works way better, the 10000 items load in under a second.
Now my questions are the following
#1 how can i adjust the width of the columns?
#2 is there a way to insert other views in the webview, ie checkbox
#3 How can i retrieve when pressed on a cell the information contained within.

If anyone has dealt with this before, i'd like to hear about it and thanks so much in advance for your help.



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It is worth checking TableView (and FlexibleTable). It should be able to load 10000 items quite fast.

It is easier to work with compared to a html table. The code as is doesn't support checkboxes though it should be possible to modify add it and use a checkbox instead of label.

#3: you should set Clickable to True and then handle WebView_OverrideUrl event (see DBUtils example).
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