Hey Community,
I have a problem. There is a 'ShowValues' activity, that loads many numbers and shows them in labels. (No that process can't be improved) That loading takes a long time so i want to show a moving progressdialog to the user. But the first problem I had was that I called Progressdialogshow before the for next loop and progressdialoghide after the 'next' command. That only opened the progressdialog at the end of the loading process for about a half second. Now I fixed it that way:
Sub OpenValues
CallSubDelayed(ShowValues, "showloading")
End Sub
ShowValues Module:
Sub Activity_Create
End sub
Sub showloading
CallSubDelayed("", "Calculate")
End Sub
Sub Calculate
'Calculating Process & For/Next Loop
End sub
But the problem was now that the progressdialog was lagging. The dialog field was shown but the progressbar didn't move/wasn't even shown because of lagging.
I already tried taking the loop out and calling the sub (Callsubdelayed("", Calculate)) after calculating one value again and again till everything is calculated. But that didn't update the progressdialog so that the progressbar moves. it's still lagging...
Could you please help me?