debug mode stuck..


Sub App_Start
cmd.New1("", con.Value)

End Sub

Sub Form1_Show
Con.Open("Data Source = " & AppPath & "\notexistfilename.sl3")
cmd.CommandText = "select * from xxxxx order by yyyyy"
End Sub

I found this by accident.. when you type the not exist file name to open, an error message will show up and ask you to continue or not.
If you ask no, it will be in debug mode forever. Stop function is useless. The only way is quit..

But this only happen if the codes are placed under : Sub Form1_Show

Is this bug or not?


Yes, Erel. You're right. It happens to all of error at the main form show.

I've tried another code, and try to make it error at main form show event. The result is always stuck at debug mode.

Thanks Erel.
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