when trying to run my app in debug mode it looks like working but I can't see anything..
the app can't install also (release mode ok)
maybe something with the certificates?
' #CertificateFile: ios_distribution.cer
' #ProvisionFile: App.mobileprovision
'#Entitlement: <key>aps-environment</key><string>production</string>
'use the distribution certificate
#CertificateFile: ios_development.cer
'use the provision profile that goes with the explicit App Id
#ProvisionFile: Development2018.mobileprovision
builder1.b4x.com would like to install "myapp"
then click in install then I see the icon trying to install the App in the iPhone but cancel it
and i got the error "unable to download App...."
Sounds like a certificate or provision profile issue. As a test try to change the package name. If it doesn't help delete the certificate and create a new certificate + provision profile.