B4J Question Debugging a form issue - always on top setting


Active Member
I am writing a full screen Linux application that is used in machine controls. I have several forms open on the screen, the forms do not overlap. The application uses the Async to get information from a machine via the RS232 port. When the machine reports an error, I open a full screen form with always on top set to true. For 90 percent of the time, when an error occurs on the machine and reports it, the form opens on top of the other forms across the screen. Occasionally, the form is opened beneath the other forms on the screen. This is not a consistent operation. In the async module, I logged in the debugger whether the always on top setting is set to true. In all cases this setting shows as true, even when it is opened in back of the other forms. On the lower part of the screen itself, I can right click the properties of the form and it shows the always on top setting not set? Does anyone have some troubleshooting tips or what to look for in my code as to prevent this behavior?


Active Member
I did not know about the form owner function, so when you asked about it, I looked into it a bit, but really don't have an understanding of the function, if you could point to a thread about this I would appreciate it, in the meantime, I did set the ownership of the form, and the issue still occurred.

I think possibly the best way to attack this issue, is a thread you posted in the forum about keeping track of open forms by creating a list of open forms and what I can do, is when an error occurs, close the open forms first, show the error and take it from there, a bit more coding, but hopefully this will cure the problem.
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Active Member
Thanks, though a short explanation, has a lot or meaning for me. Will need to look at the entire parent - child relationship in my forms.
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