The original string is "2114019028,1,ev_", it can be encrypted with AES 128 CBC, padding mode is PKCS5Padding, as agraham said #5, it is not without IV, you need an initialisation vector , it is 16 bytes 0.
Dim kg As KeyGenerator
Dim C As Cipher
Dim IV(16) As Byte
For i = 0 To 15
IV(i) = 0
Dim pwd() As Byte="1234567890123456".GetBytes("utf8")
C.InitialisationVector = IV
Dim bc As ByteConverter
Dim b64 As Base64
Dim datas() As Byte=b64.DecodeStoB("GE3e8Qhyjk6rPiNuUJpDy/hHaCwcKj13fA9tN+ICYQM=")
datas = C.Decrypt(datas, kg.Key, True)
Log(bc.StringFromBytes(datas,"utf8")) '2114019028,1,ev_
It's also encrypted or decrypted by online sites