Sub getLed(Parent As Panel) As View
Dim ao As Int
ao = 0
For Each v As View In Parent.GetAllViewsRecursive
Dim tagname As String
tagname = v.Tag
If v Is ImageView And tagname.Contains("http") Then
ao = ao + 1
' CallSubDelayed2(Me,"getLed2",v.Tag)
' csu is initialize in page show's sub
csu.CallSubPlus2(Me, "getLed2", 500*ao, Array(v.Tag)) 'run in one second
End If
ao = 0
'Log("View not found: " & Name)
Return Null
End Sub
But this delay doesn't work !
and all of requests to getLed2 send together
Are you calling the same routine with CallSubPlus2 with different delays?
Isn't this what you are doing in ForEach v AsView ?
Otherwise, I don't know what happens.