Thanks for that - the delay works a treat but doesn't solve my issue sadly.
After a customdialog closes I try to initiate a progressbardialog and normally it works, however after it I then check the username/password. The dialog doesn't appear.
When debugging if I put a breakpoint in before the show ProgressDialogShow2 command it works.. So I wondered if the delay was needed to allow the displog time to show or something....
I'd already tried the DoEvents command and no luck there
I've pasted the code below - I've removed some code that was irrelevant. The ShowLoginScreen shows the customdialog then returns the relevant button press. The loop can then carry on till the user abandons the logon or enters the correct details.
Dim returnValue As Int
Dim objBCrypt As BCrypt
returnValue = ShowLoginScreen(False)
Dim okToMoveOn As Boolean : okToMoveOn = False
Do While Not(okToMoveOn)
If returnValue = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
If objBCrypt.checkpw(passwordToCheck,passwordHashString) Then
'Some irrelevant code but okToMoveOn set to true to exit loop
'Some irrelevant code
End If
'Some irrelevant code but okToMoveOn set to true to exit loop
End If
The code for ShowProgress was copied from your suggestion in another post, not that I added some code to ensure that it is not redisplayed if it's already displayed...
Thanks for your help!
Sub ShowProgress
Log("Show progress started")
' Don't reshow if already running (reshow is a visible switch)
If ProgressBarVisible = False Then
ProgressBarVisible = True
ProgressDialogShow2("Please wait loading...", False)
End If
End Sub