DELL PowerEdge R710 Server


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I'm going to buy one of these servers (about 200€/$ depending on the hw). The one I'm bidding for has 2 Xeon processors, 32 GB RAM and 6 3.5" bays. Windows Server 2012/16/19 costs 20€ (legal via Key sellers).

Do you have one? What are your experiences?


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My Server - I've tried to stress it - the best I could get was 7.5% usage load out of it - it handles most things I throw at it.
It runs WinServer 2016 as an Os.

It is currently running:
1. MySQL
2. 2x Examples of jRDC2
3. CKVS Server
4. Server socket Server (reads, decodes, saves and returns an acknowledgment - about 55 000 devices)
5. Mosquitto MQTT Server

I have never had a problem with it and looking at your spec, you have 2x Xeons and 32gb RAM (double my spec) - just spoil yourself with decent disks and an RX and TX NIC - start and go fishing - it will do the rest !!


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just spoil yourself with decent disks and an RX and TX NIC - start and go fishing - it will do the rest !!


Just ordered it for 175€. Hope it arrives tomorrow or Wednesday

Specs are:

2x Intel Xeon X5530 Quad Core CPU 2,40GHz
3x 500GB SAS 3,5 Zoll HDD -> much wow!
2x 500GB SATA 3,5 Zoll HDD -> much wow!
1x PERC 6/I RAID Controller
1x iDRAC 6
4x Gigabit Ethernet RJ 45
2x Power supply 870W

I ordered an extra H700 6 Gb/s PCI-E x8 512MB SAS RAID Controller for 50€ incl. cables and a battery so I can use SSD's.

First server for me. Nice toy for that price. For 2 Raspberries 4 w. 4 GB you pay more (at least here in Germany).

the best I could get was 7.5% usage load out of it

Must be good programming skills and good db design. However. Are you going to buy a 2nd CPU?

Will get back to you when it arrives and I think I have a slight idea of what I'm doing on the machine


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I used to implement the power edge servers at customers at my former employer (nearly a decade ago)

the 'heavy' customers for example a choco pasta/spread company that had a 24/7 running factory and digitalized storage ran on 3 of these combined with a Equalogic SAN
to host all (15+) virtual (VMWare) servers on it.

nice toys to work with and far from outdated as they were already 32 core if I recall right.
too bad my colleague who orders servers is an HP fan boy.

Edit: just a hint... put VMWare ESXi on it, it's free and gives a lot more options to your server as you can run multiple windows, linux or the mix of it on your system.
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Just installed WIN2016 Server (I don't care as I only need "just an OS where I can start from") and VirtualBox. Will use it as a NAS-Server and some B4J apps to run on. Let's see. Won't run it 24/7 as it consumes a lot of power and heats up the house Nice toy anyway It was the cheap price which triggered me.
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