Android Question Density is wrong

Facilauto Juan

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Longtime User
Hello there!

I have an app made in java that tells me the screen density. It tells me 0.93xx

If I check Density in basic 4 android, it tells me 0.75. So, that's my problem stablishing the font sizes according the screen size and density.

How can I fix this? How can I get the real screen density?

Thanks for the answers.


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1. Basic4android returns the logical density as reported by your device. To simplify the lives of Android developers, the logical density is an approximation and is one of the following values: 0.75, 1, 1.33, 1.5 or 2.
You can use the code here to get the exact density:

2. Font sizes are measured in a scale independent unit. This means that you shouldn't scale them yourself. They are already scaled.

The bottom line: don't use the exact values. Use designer script + anchors + AutoScaleAll.
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