I have an Activity (screen layout), with Designer scripts to resize and scale for all the screen sizes.
In the app that I develop, it gives me an compile error, stating that there is an error in the designer script.
When I open adminpage.bal in the designer, it displays the basic layout as expected.
When I click on the Designer Script tab, the Designer and the IDE crash and close.
To make it easier to find en fix the error, I created a new B4A app called ActivityError.b4a
The problematic adminpage.bal is included and the images that are used in the layout.
If the ActivityError App is compiled it gives the following Error:
Here are the steps to reproduce the error:
- Open ActivityError.b4a in the editor (v2.7 or 3.0) both have the same symptom.
- Once in the IDE, Click on Designer menu.
- In the Designer UI, open adminpage.bal that resides in the Files folder.
- Click on the Designer Scripts tab and the Designer and IDE crash:
Click on Debug or Close Program and B4A closes.
Is there a way to extract the script code and then open the layout in the designer or is the only alternative to rebuild it from scratch?
Any help to get the activity restored will be appreciated.
An explanation/reason why it happened will help me to prevent recurrences in future.
Thanks in advance