Bug? Designer not showing scripting error


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I don't know if the following is a bug or just a quirk in the designer.

  • Create a simple layout in designer consisting of two labels (Label1 and Label2).
  • Add the following lines to the script window:

Label2.Bottom = 100%y

  • Run the script and Label1 moves to the top of the screen however Label2 doesn't move anywhere and no error is reported.
  • Now, try compiling and running the app and it correctly reports the error in the script:
src\b4a\example\designerscripts\LS_layout1.java:12: error: ';' expected
views.get("label1").vw.setTop((int)((0d / 100 * height)))

Should the error have been reported by the designer?

(See demo project attached).




  • DesignerError.zip
    7.6 KB · Views: 194


New Member
Licensed User

Can I kindly ask for aprox date for releasing the update?
I'm experience the same problem, and I have to put my case on hold until this are solved.

Best regards,


New Member
Licensed User
I'm very fresh when it comes to use b4a, so please excuse me. I have had the lisence for some time, but just started to dig into the program.
I am using telephones as test/emulators, and tried to place the views as mentioned in the beginner guide page 119 - 121. So when the errormessage showed up when I run the app from IDE, I automtically react like I didn't could use the telephones as emulator(s) for a while.

Running the script from designer are just tested now, but it's not looking the way I hoped... ;) Must dig a little more...

Best regards,