I'm currently designing a system in b4a, I have designed my layout based on my 10" tablet which is connected wirelessly via b4a bridge. I then started thinking about multiple screen sizes and did some reading up on the designer scripts. I have made the below script as to my understanding of what I read in the guide but when I upload to UI cloud everything is completely out of whack.
To get these percentages I have type them in until the layout is correct in the designer. Am I doing this correctly ? have I missed something in the script ? Please could someone point me in the right direction or tell me what i'm doing wrong. I would greatly appreciate the help.
That makes writing the script a million times quicker, and I have changed my script as per your suggestion, so now everything lines up much better in the designer wooo hoo. But still when sending to UI cloud it's all completely out. Am I missing something or doing something wrong in the script ?
Thanks for the replies, as per your suggestion Klaus I'll move "AutoScaleRate(0.5) to before the "AutoScaleAll". I was thinking about it today and I realized that I'm also missing the %x for .Top. This might be one of the problems. If I still cant get it working right I'll post up a screen shot tonight.
After loads of trying I still cannot get my layouts right on the UI Cloud. I have uploaded a screen shot from the UI cloud for you guys to see what I mean by everything is out of whack. The layout works nicely on the 10" because that's what I'm designing in but as you will see the 5" and 5.3" are misaligned. Below is my latest designer Script attempt, please could someone tell me what on earth I'm doing wrong.
This sounds strange to me !
If you set the Left and Width properties the Right property is given and is equal to Left + Width.
If now you set the Right property you change the Width property ?
You could use the SetLeftAndRight method to chage both Left and Right properties at the same time.
And SetTopAndBottom for the Top and Bottom properties.