Do you mean like thisis there any possibility to pass the text of the tooltip to a string?
String = GetToolTip(control) ' Returns the tool tip text for control name.
For ind=0 To table1.RowCount-1
AddButton ("Form1", "But"&ind,x,y, 8,8,nombre_boton)
AddEvent ("But"&ind, Click, "MySub")
Tooltip.SetID("But"&ind,"But"&ind) ' use the control name as an ID
Next ind
Sub ToolTip_Popup
stringX=toolTtip.GetToolTip (ToolTip.HelpID)) ' retrieve the control then its tool tip
End Sub
ToolTip.SetToolTip(ToolStripButton.ControlRef, "tip")
ToolTip.SetToolTip(ToolBarButton.Value, "tip")
Do you have to pay to use these?
It works fine for me. I am running version 6.50, presumably you are otherwise the source would not load. Make sure you have the latest version of the Door library in your app directory. It changed to allow for module names in version 6.50I tried your program, but get the error below:
You do have three in your code. tspSelect is probably the one you have overlooked.There is another strange thing, only 2 ToolstripComboboxes are declared but 3 are displayed ?
Button1.FontColor = cGray
Obj1.SetProperty2("FlatStyle", "Flat")