I have updated my SpeechLibDesktop library, originally posted in this thread
http://www.b4x.com/forum/additional-libraries/1056-text-speech-library-desktop-only.html, at the request of rgately and have created this new thread so that, as with most of my other libraries, it is accessible from the first post of the thread rather than being buried later on.
I have added Pause, Resume and Skip methods that work on an Async voice and have also added VoiceName that returns a description of a voice.
This library is for Desktop only and .NET 2.0 or later. As I have VS2005 I cannot make a Desktop .NET 1.1 application (you need VS2003 for that) but I have included the source in case anyone feels the need. However I strongly advise anyone not running .NET 2.0 on their desktop to install it
.NET 2 link - you need it for optimised compilation anyway.
Note that although the source is available this library cannot be merged as a reference is needed to the Interop library at compile time but the Basic4ppc optimising compiler doesn't know this.