you are opening a can of worms; a single quotation mark can be
represented by a number of different utf-8 characters.
and your use of the term is not clear: are you talking about
a "single" quotation mark? or a "single quotation mark"? there
is a difference.
chr(34) can refer to a single quotation mark, but the term
"single quotation mark" usually connotes something that can
be thought of as ' (chr(39)). it is used in english speaking countries
in situations such as quotes within a quote: eg,
"and she suddenly exclaimed, 'applesauce!'."
other examples would be the so-called left single quotation mark (chr(0x2018))
and the right single quotation mark, not to mention chr(0x275B), the charming
heavy single turned comma quotation mark. and let's not forget the
left-pointing double angle quotation mark (chr(0xAB)). all of them display nicely
in b4a.
there are many uft-8 tables online.