Detect exit from preferences screen


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So, I re-direct my user to a preferences screen upon first-run, and the app the retrieves the user-entered data... But if for any reason, the user pauses the app, by going again into the preferences screen, wich I made available by a key pressing, when the user exits the preferences the app is halted completly, and no error is thrown...

How can I detect that the user has in fact exited the preferences screen???
Anyway to "inject" an exit event with the reflection lib??


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Longtime User
Very difficult without knowing more about what your program is doing.

For instance if the preferences screen is a separate activity within the app that you are starting with StartActivity, How does your app exit the activity when the user doesn't press a key. And how does your app exit the activity when the user does press a key?
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...when the user exits the preferences the app is halted completly, and no error is thrown...

How can I detect that the user has in fact exited the preferences screen???

The user must press a button or something in order to exit the preferences. In the button's click event (for example), you can close the preferences screen/panel/whatever then wait for the user's next action.
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I may not have expressed myself clearly enought...
When I say Preferences Screen, I mean Preferences Activity...using the prefences activity library...wich has NO event available...So even the back button press is NOT trapped.

On start-up, I check to see it the Preferences item count is diferent than zero, and if not, re-direct the user to enter the preferences...all goes well in that point.
My problem is when/if the user changes those preferences afterwards, during program flow...The Flow gets alted after the user returns to the program...
What I would like to do, is to, when the user exits the preferences Activity, to have the app Start/Re-Start from a given point...

Using the logger I saw that the app is actualy Paused/Resumed so I setted a Flag to know if the resume is done after calling the Preferences intend...Seems to work OK
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