Android Question Detect item with camera


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Is it possible to detect items with the phone camera (for example a phone, a door) from a list of items?

Thanks in advance


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It has never worked for me, I mean receiving any kind of "alert" when being mentioned (should I?)

Is it possible to detect items with the phone camera (for example a phone, a door) from a list of items?
It is possible with OpenCV, but don't expect to find a function to detect doors, frogs or phones --> It's not an easy subject and results are not always 100% perfect, but if you get the trick of it it's really powerful.

Unless the objects have some very obvious simple geometric and or color characteristic (for instance a red baloon) the way to go with "standard" objects is using some kind of cascade detector specific for them. The most common are face detectors.
As said, each kind of object that you want to detect will need a trained cascade file, which probably you would need to build yourself ( there are tools for it)

My recommendation:
  • Download the OpenCV lib and run the examples
  • Study and get familiarized with the facedetector example
  • Once you feel comfortable with it, you can experiment with creating your own cascade files for another object, for instance following the link given by @stu14t HERE
  • Try to modify the facedetector example cascade file (trained for faces) with another one from internet or created by you.
  • Once it works for one object, add another with the same process, and so on...
  • I have no idea of how many simultaneous detectors can be run at the same time on a live preview...I fear that not many in Android. You will have to discover it by yourself.

Good luck
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Thank you
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