Android Question Detect key press from BLE mouse

I have a BLE mouse connected to b4x app. How to detect the mouse click? I don't want to detect press on any particular view. This code doesn't work in B4X:

#if B4A
Private Sub mRoot_Touch (o As Object, ACTION As Int, x As Float, y As Float, motion As Object) As Boolean
Private Sub mRoot_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
#end if

        Log($"Touch action down"$)
    Else If ACTION = mRoot.TOUCH_ACTION_UP Then
        Log($"Touch action down"$)
    End If

    #if B4A
    Return True
    #end if
End Sub
Adding this in Main Activity module of b4xpage detects BLE mouse ! However unable to distinguish between right and left mouse click:

Sub Activity_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    If Action = 1 Then
        Log("Mouse clicked at X: " & X & ", Y: " & Y)
        ' Perform actions on click
    End If
End Sub
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