B4J Question Detect Move B4XPage?


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there is the function B4XPage_Resize, which works well.
Is there a way to recognize that the B4XPage has been moved without changing the size?


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What is a B4XPage?

It differs between the three platforms:
B4J - Form
B4i - Page in a single NavBarController
B4A - Panel in a single activity.

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Brian Dean

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Is there a way to recognize that the B4XPage has been moved without changing the size?
If you mean "Is there a (B4J) event that fires when the form is moved?" then the answer is "No". However you can setup a timer that monitors the position of the form (top and left positions) and fires when this is changed. I have tried this and it works quite well, but remember that it might fire several times if the form is being dragged.
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If you mean "Is there an event that fires when the form is moved?" then the answer is "No".
You can with the code published by @stevel05 and that I linked in the second post.
Obviously it only works with b4j forms which is certainly what @mw71 wants to achieve.
@stevel05 code:
Private Sub SetMoveListener(Form As JavaObject)
    Dim Stage As JavaObject = Form.GetField("stage")
    Dim XProp As JavaObject = Stage.RunMethod("xProperty",Null)
    Dim YProp As JavaObject = Stage.RunMethod("yProperty",Null)
    Dim O As Object = Form.CreateEventFromUI("javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener","FormMoved",Null)
End Sub

Private Sub FormMoved_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
    Dim F As Form = Sender
    Log("Form moved " & F.WindowLeft & " : " & F.WindowTop)
End Sub
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You can with the code published by @stevel05 and that I linked in the second post.

Project attached (it also contains superfluous things, it is based on a project template - to be improved).

Of course you can move any B4XPage-Form, even the B4XMainPage, and use the coordinates in the Form itself, instead of passing this data to the main page, as I did in the example.


  • B4XPageMovem.zip
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