Wish Determine Library Name Needed


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Longtime User
Many Times I will create a new project and include some common modules/classes from other projects.

But, when I try to run the new project, it complains of unknown types, for example:

Error description: Unknown type: httpjob

Luckily, I can figure out that httpjob is part of the httputils2 library. But other times it's not that ease to figure out what library I need (let alone the actual file name of that needed library because the file name can also not be close to it's library name).

I now have to start including random libraries until the error goes away - not very productive.

So, my wish is to create some means to easily figure out the library name when I get a "Unknown Type" error message.


B4X founder
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Until such a feature is implemented you can search for the object type: https://www.b4x.com/search?query=HttpJob
You will see a small link that will take you to the library documentation. Many types are included but not all of them, if there is no link then you will be able to find the correct library based on the search results.


Licensed User
Longtime User
One thing that could help with this issue is the ability to add something like:

#IncludeLib: httputils2

Then, I can put this directive in the module that has a sub that needs that lib. This way, that line will automatically "check"/include the lib in any projects that use that module.
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