Need a 2 dice animation like in board games with comments explaining how that wizardry works or would settle for a number spinner (like dice) for less money. Job price range is £5-25. Payment via paypal only.
Focus is ios if b4x isnt possible/good or fast enough
I created a library to display polygons in 3D. It is also possible to use it to create 3D XUI views. This library can be used to create 3D models from code or load them from obj files. To create a 2D drawing app, to create games, animations, introductions, and 3D effects You can find a detailed...
yeah, having trouble with ixui at the moment but when i get it sorted ill give it a try, my solution i found was one of yours anyways awesoneWheel but would prefer a 3d solution. However that awesoneWheel is really good for board games. very easy to understand. (if i go with that ill donate either way as its still your work)