Did anyone work on the project to create the desktop app for exchaning files with the Medicaid?


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Hi all.

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I have a question about the EmedNY FTS (exchange files with Medicaid)

I need to create an application in C# that will exchange files with the Medicaid. Unfortunally the manual provided by the Medicaid doesn't have enough information.

Is anyone here ever tried to work with this task?

The manual says that I need to use SOAP Envelop.


  1. Can I use WebRequest or a WebClient?
  2. If so - how to use WebRequest with the SOAP Envelop and X509 SSL?
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Can I use WebRequest or a WebClient?
yes Soap Calls are just Http calls, the OkHttp library can handle them (if you are going to use B4x) Visual Studio and C# has specific tools for dealing with SOAPS

If so - how to use WebRequest with the SOAP Envelop and X509 SSL?
if you have a X509 Certificate you then need to create a sealed XML i guess? its not a difficult process.
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