Spanish Diferebtes pantallas


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Un saludo amigos del foro , mi nombre es alexander soy un novato en esto del desarrollo de las app para android y como muchos creo que me he topado con el problema de que cuando creas una interfaz de usurio para un dispositivo , no te sale igual en otro , he estado estudiando el tutorial sobre las diferentes screen sizes , sobre AutoScaleAll y la ayuda que en general se encuentra en los tutoriales que he descargado de este sitio y me he encontrado el siguiente problema.

Como ejercicio y para aprender como tener una interfaz que se vea igual en todos los dispositivos , en un layout con 6 command buttons y haciendo la prueba en dos emuladores uno de 320x480 y otro de 240x320 quiero que los 6 botones de commando me aparescan igual en los dos emuladores en las misma posiciones , pero cuando compilo la app se ve de la sigueinte manera.


Quiero que cuando ejecute la app se vea como se ve en el cuadro del medio que es el abstract designer , el cual lo tengo configurado con una Layout de 320 X 480 , en el abstract designer se ven los 6 botones , pero cuando lo ejecuto en el emulador de las mismas medidas 320 X 480 solo se ven 4 y parte de los otros 2 ( el cuadro de la izquierda) , y en en el tercer cuadro que es de 240 X 320 solo salen dos , el codigo que tengo en el Designer Script es eñl siguiente :


' Codigo de los 3 primeros command botton = 35%y
btn1.Left= 2%x

' Boton del medio = 35%y
btn2.Left= btn1.Right + 20

' tercer boton = 35%y
btn3.Left= btn2.Right + 20

'Codigo de la segunda fila de command botton = btn1.Bottom + 10
btn4.Left= 2%x = btn2.Bottom + 10
btn5.Left= btn4.Right + 20 = btn3.Bottom + 10
btn6.Left= btn5.Right + 20

Que tendria que hacer para que los 6 botones me salgan como se ve en el designer script en los dos emuladores ?? , muchas gracias por su ayuda y que tengan un excelente dia.


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En los valores que pones en el Scripts son valores en pixels, por tanto los top, left, botton, etc van a coger ese valor, y dependerá de la resolución del terminal que te lo pondrá en un sitio o en otro.
Si en una pantalla de 480 de alto el top lo pones a 240 que es la mitad, en la pantalla de 320 de alto casi se saldrá.
En vez de poner valores sin mas que seran pixeles, acabalos con dip .

Píxeles = Corresponde a píxeles reales en la pantalla.

= (Density Independent Pixels) Píxeles independientes de la densidad.
Una unidad abstracta que se basa en la densidad física de la pantalla. Estas unidades son relativas a una pantalla de 160 dpi, por lo que 1 dip es 1 píxel en una pantalla de 160 dpi. La relación de dp a píxel cambiará con la densidad de pantalla, pero no necesariamente en proporción directa.

Si cambias = btn1.Bottom + 10 por = btn1.Bottom + 10dip , cuando cambies de resolución se pondrá en el sitio adecuado. Solo tendrás que averiguar que valor es el adecuado para ti en dip, que será diferente del original que has puesto con el número 10.

Te escribo dos códigos por si en vez de acabar tu script con dip, quieres eliminar el scripts y hacerlo por codigo.

' para convertir de DIP a Pixel
Sub DIPToPixel(Integer As Int) As Int
  Dim scale As Float
  Dim r As Reflector   ' libreria reflection
  r.Target = r.GetContext
  r.Target = r.RunMethod("getResources")
  r.Target = r.RunMethod("getDisplayMetrics")
  scale = r.GetField("density")

  Dim DIP As Int
  DIP = Integer*scale + 0.5
  If DIP<1 Then DIP=1
  Return DIP

End Sub

' para convertir de Pixel a DIP
Sub PixelToDIP(Integer As Int) As Int
  Dim scale As Float
  Dim r As Reflector   ' libreria reflection
  r.Target = r.GetContext
  r.Target = r.RunMethod("getResources")
  r.Target = r.RunMethod("getDisplayMetrics")
  scale = r.GetField("density")

  Dim Pixel As Int
  Pixel = Integer/scale + 0.5
  If Pixel<1 Then Pixel=1
  Return Pixel

End Sub

Si te sirve de algo, yo utilizo solo un tamaño de terminal en el Designer, que es el tamaño del terminal donde tengo el emulador (empleo un movil via USB) , luego creo los objetos por código y los añado al Activity, esto lo hago en un sub donde ademas de crearlos los posiciono. Antes empleaba los scripts y todo lo de diferentes tamaños de layout, etc. y al final al probar en moviles con diferentes resoluciones siempre habia algo que estaba mal. No quiero decir que esta sea la mejor solución, si no la que empleo y me funciona.

Espero haberte ayudado




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moltes gracies vampirbcn ;)


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Longtime User
trabaja con esto

Dim Space As Int
Scale.ScaleAll(Activity, True)
Space = 1dip * Scale.GetScaleX
Scale.SetBottom(lblDescripcion, 20%y - Space)
Scale.SetRight(lblDescripcion, 70%y - Space)
Scale.SetBottom(lblRequerimiento, 20%y - Space)
Scale.SetRight(lblRequerimiento, 35%y - Space)
Scale.SetBottom(Listview1, 75%y - Space)

y crea un cod module llamado Scale e ingresa esto

'Scale Code module
'Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.
Sub Process_Globals
' Designer Scripts AutoScale formula
' Delta = ((100%x + 100%y) / (320dip + 430dip) - 1)
' Rate = 0.5 'value between 0 to 1.
' Scale = 1 + Rate * Delta

Public Rate As Double
Rate = 0.3 'value between 0 to 1.
Private cScaleX, cScaleY, cScaleDS As Double
Private c50dip, c430dip, c270dip As Int
Private DeviceScale As Float
End Sub

'Initializes the Scale factors
Public Sub Initialize
' the height of the top line is 25pixel with density 1
' it's 38 pixels with density 1.5, but 25dip gives 37
Dim lv As LayoutValues

lv = GetDeviceLayoutValues
DeviceScale = lv.Scale
c50dip = Ceil(25 * DeviceScale) * 2
c430dip = 480dip - c50dip
c270dip = 320dip - c50dip

If GetDevicePhysicalSize < 6 Then
If 100%x > 100%y Then
' landscape
cScaleX = 100%x / 480dip
cScaleY = 100%y / c270dip
' portrait
cScaleX = 100%x / 320dip
cScaleY = 100%y / c430dip
End If
If 100%x > 100%y Then
' landscape
cScaleX = 1 + Rate * (100%x / 480dip - 1)
cScaleY = 1 + Rate * (100%y / c270dip - 1)
' portrait
cScaleX = 1 + Rate * (100%x / 320dip - 1)
cScaleY = 1 + Rate * (100%y / c430dip - 1)
End If
End If
cScaleDS = 1 + Rate * ((100%x + 100%y) / (320dip + c430dip) - 1)
End Sub

'Gets the current X scale with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
Public Sub GetScaleX As Double
Return cScaleX
End Sub

'Gets the current Y scale with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
Public Sub GetScaleY As Double
Return cScaleY
End Sub

'Gets the Y scale in landscape orientation
'with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'independant of the current orientation
Public Sub GetScaleY_L As Double
Dim Scale As Double
Scale = Min(100%y, 100%x - c50dip) / c270dip
If GetDevicePhysicalSize < 6 Then
Return Scale
Return (1 + Rate * (Scale - 1))
End If
End Sub

'Gets the Y scale in portrait orientation
'with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'independant of the current orientation
Public Sub GetScaleY_P As Double
Dim Scale As Double
Scale = Max(100%y, 100%x - c50dip) / c430dip
If GetDevicePhysicalSize < 6 Then
Return Scale
Return (1 + Rate * (Scale - 1))
End If
End Sub

'Gets the X scale in landscape orientation
'with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'independant of the current orientation
Public Sub GetScaleX_L As Double
Dim Scale As Double
Scale = Max(100%x, 100%y + c50dip) / 480dip
If GetDevicePhysicalSize < 6 Then
Return Scale
Return (1 + Rate * (Scale - 1))
End If
End Sub

'Gets the X scale in portrait orientation
'with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'independant of the current orientation
Public Sub GetScaleX_P As Double
Dim Scale As Double
Scale = Min(100%x, 100%y + c50dip) / 320dip
If GetDevicePhysicalSize < 6 Then
Return Scale
Return (1 + Rate * (Scale - 1))
End If
End Sub

'Gets the standard Designer Scripts sacle
'with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
Public Sub GetScaleDS As Double
Return cScaleDS
End Sub

'Sets the scale rate
'Set the value to 0.5
Public Sub SetRate(cRate As Double)
Rate = cRate
End Sub

'Gets the approximate phyiscal screen size in inches
'<code>DeviceSize = Scale.GetDevicePhysicalSize</code>
Public Sub GetDevicePhysicalSize As Float
Dim lv As LayoutValues

lv = GetDeviceLayoutValues
Return Sqrt(Power(lv.Height / lv.Scale / 160, 2) + Power(lv.Width / lv.Scale / 160, 2))
End Sub

'Scales the view v with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'v must not be an Activity
Public Sub ScaleView(v As View)
If IsActivity(v) Then
End If

v.Left = v.Left * cScaleX
v.Top = v.Top * cScaleY
If IsPanel(v) Then
Dim pnl As Panel
pnl = v
If pnl.Background Is BitmapDrawable Then
' maintain the width/height ratio
' uses the min value of the scales
v.Width = v.Width * Min(cScaleX, cScaleY)
v.Height = v.Height * Min(cScaleX, cScaleY)
v.Width = v.Width * cScaleX
v.Height = v.Height * cScaleY
End If
ScaleAll(pnl, False)
Else If v Is ImageView Then
' maintain the width/height ratio
' uses the min value of the scales
v.Width = v.Width * Min(cScaleX, cScaleY)
v.Height = v.Height * Min(cScaleX, cScaleY)
v.Width = v.Width * cScaleX
v.Height = v.Height * cScaleY
End If

If v Is Label Then 'this will catch ALL views with text (EditText, Button, ...)
Dim lbl As Label = v
lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize * cScaleX
End If

If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ScrollViewWrapper$MyScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a ScrollView
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with ScrollView.Panel
Dim scv As ScrollView
scv = v
ScaleAll(scv.Panel, False)
Else If GetType(v) = "flm.b4a.scrollview2d.ScrollView2DWrapper$MyScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a ScrollView2D
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with ScrollView2D.Panel
' Dim scv2d As ScrollView2D
' scv2d = v
' ScaleAll(scv2d.Panel, False)
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ListViewWrapper$SimpleListView" Then
' test if the view is a ListView
' if yes scales the internal views
Dim ltv As ListView
ltv = v
ltv.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = ltv.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight * cScaleY

ltv.TwoLinesLayout.ItemHeight = ltv.TwoLinesLayout.ItemHeight * cScaleY

ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight = ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight * cScaleY
' center the image vertically
ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.Top = (ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight - ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.Height) / 2
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.SpinnerWrapper$B4ASpinner" Then
' test if the view is a Spinner
' if yes scales the internal text size
Dim spn As Spinner
spn = v
spn.TextSize = spn.TextSize * cScaleX
End If
End Sub

'Scales all views in the given Activity or Panel with all its child views
'with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'FirstTime must be True
'<code>Sub ScaleAll(Activity, True)</code>
Public Sub ScaleAll(act As Activity, FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim I As Int

' test if the activity object is a Panel
If IsPanel(act) AND FirstTime = True Then
' if yes scale it
For I = 0 To act.NumberOfViews - 1
Dim v As View
v = act.GetView(I)
End If
End Sub

'Scales the view v with the Rate set with SetRate
'scaling like the Designer Scripts
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
Public Sub ScaleViewDS(v As View)
If IsActivity(v) Then
End If

v.Left = v.Left * cScaleDS
v.Top = v.Top * cScaleDS
v.Width = v.Width * cScaleDS
v.Height = v.Height * cScaleDS

If IsPanel(v) Then
Dim pnl As Panel
pnl = v
ScaleAllDS(pnl, False)
End If

If v Is Label Then 'this will catch ALL views with text (EditText, Button, ...)
Dim lbl As Label = v
lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize * cScaleDS
End If

If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ScrollViewWrapper$MyScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a ScrollView
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with ScrollView.Panel
Dim scv As ScrollView
scv = v
ScaleAllDS(scv.Panel, False)
Else If GetType(v) = "flm.b4a.scrollview2d.ScrollView2DWrapper$MyScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a ScrollView2D
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with ScrollView2D.Panel
' Dim scv2d As ScrollView2D
' scv2d = v
' ScaleAllDS(scv2d.Panel, False)
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ListViewWrapper$SimpleListView" Then
' test if the view is a ListView
' if yes scales the internal views
Dim ltv As ListView
ltv = v
ltv.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = ltv.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight * cScaleDS

ltv.TwoLinesLayout.ItemHeight = ltv.TwoLinesLayout.ItemHeight * cScaleDS

ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight = ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight * cScaleDS
' center the image vertically
ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.Top = (ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight - ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.Height) / 2
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.SpinnerWrapper$B4ASpinner" Then
' test if the view is a Spinner
' if yes scales the internal text size
Dim spn As Spinner
spn = v
spn.TextSize = spn.TextSize * cScaleDS
End If
End Sub

'Scales all views in the given Activity or Panel with all its child views
'scaling like the Designer Scripts
'with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'FirstTime must be True
'<code>Sub ScaleAllDS(Activity, True)</code>
Public Sub ScaleAllDS(act As Activity, FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim I As Int

' test if the activity object is a Panel
If IsPanel(act) AND FirstTime = True Then
' if yes scale it
For I = 0 To act.NumberOfViews - 1
Dim v As View
v = act.GetView(I)
End If
End Sub

'Centers horizontally the given view on the screen
Public Sub HorizontalCenter(v As View)
v.Left = (100%x - v.Width) / 2
End Sub

'Centers horizontally the given view on the screen
'between vLeft and vRight
Public Sub HorizontalCenter2(v As View, vLeft As View, vRight As View)
v.Left = vLeft.Left + vLeft.Width + (vRight.Left - (vLeft.Left + vLeft.Width) - v.Width) / 2
If IsActivity(v) Then
ToastMessageShow("The view is an Activity !", False)
If IsActivity(vLeft) Then
If IsActivity(vRight) Then
v.Left = (100%x - v.Width) / 2
v.Left = (vRight.Left - v.Width) / 2
End If
If IsActivity(vRight) Then
v.Left = vLeft.Left + vLeft.Width + (100%x - (vLeft.Left + vLeft.Width) - v.Width) / 2
v.Left = vLeft.Left + vLeft.Width + (vRight.Left - (vLeft.Left + vLeft.Width) - v.Width) / 2
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

'Centers vertically the given view on the screen
Public Sub VerticalCenter(v As View)
v.Top = (100%y - v.Height) / 2
End Sub

'Centers vertically the given view on the screen
'between vTop and vBottom
Public Sub VerticalCenter2(v As View, vTop As View, vBottom As View)
If IsActivity(v) Then
ToastMessageShow("The view is an Activity !", False)
If IsActivity(vTop) Then
If IsActivity(vBottom) Then
v.Top = (100%y - v.Height) / 2
v.Top = (vBottom.Top - v.Height) / 2
End If
If IsActivity(vBottom) Then
v.Top = vTop.Top + vTop.Height + (100%y - (vTop.Top + vTop.Height) - v.Height) / 2
v.Top = vTop.Top + vTop.Height + (vBottom.Top - (vTop.Top + vTop.Height) - v.Height) / 2
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

'Set the Left property of the given view
'according to the given xRight coordinate and the views Width property
Sub SetRight(v As View, xRight As Int)
v.Left = xRight - v.Width
End Sub

'Set the Top property of the given view
'according to the given yBottom coordinate and the views Height property
Sub SetBottom(v As View, yBottom As Int)
v.Top = yBottom - v.Height
End Sub

'Set the view Left and Width properties to fill the space
'between the two coordinates xLeft and xRight
Public Sub SetLeftAndRight(v As View, xLeft As Int, xRight As Int)
' take the correct coordinates event if they are permuted
v.Left = Min(xLeft, xRight)
v.Width = Max(xLeft, xRight) - v.Left
End Sub

'Set the view Left and Width properties to fill the space
'between the two views vLeft and vRight
'if the Left coordinate should be 0 set vLeft to the Activity
'if the Right coordinate should be 100%x set vRight to the Activity
Public Sub SetLeftAndRight2(v As View, vLeft As View, dxL As Int, vRight As View, dxR As Int)
' return if v is an Activity
If IsActivity(v) Then
ToastMessageShow("The view is an Activity !", False)
End If

' if vLeft is on the right of vRight pernutates the two views
If IsActivity(vLeft) = False AND IsActivity(vRight) = False Then
If vLeft.Left > vRight.Left Then
Dim v1 As View
v1 = vLeft
vLeft = vRight
vRight = v1
End If
End If

If IsActivity(vLeft) Then
v.Left = dxL
If IsActivity(vRight) Then
v.Width = 100%x - dxL - dxR
v.Width = vRight.Left - dxL - dxR
End If
v.Left = vLeft.Left + vLeft.Width + dxL
If IsActivity(vRight) Then
v.Width = 100%x - v.Left
v.Width = vRight.Left - v.Left - dxR
End If
End If
End Sub

'Set the view Top and Height properties to fill the space
'between the two coordinates yTop and yBottom
Public Sub SetTopAndBottom(v As View, yTop As Int, yBottom As Int)
' take the correct coordinates event if they are permuted
v.Top = Min(yTop, yBottom)
v.Height = Max(yTop, yBottom) - v.Top
End Sub

'Set the view Top and Height properties to fill the space
'between the two views vTop and vBottom
'if the Top coordinate should be 0 set vTop to the Activity
'if the Bottom coordinate should be 100%y set vBottom to the Activity
Public Sub SetTopAndBottom2(v As View, vTop As View, dyT As Int, vBottom As View, dyB As Int)
' return if v is an Activity
If IsActivity(v) Then
ToastMessageShow("The view is an Activity !", False)
End If

If IsActivity(vTop) = False AND IsActivity(vBottom) = False Then
' if vTop is below vBottom.Top permutes the two views
If vTop.Top > vBottom.Top Then
Dim v1 As View
v1 = vTop
vTop = vBottom
vBottom = v1
End If
End If

If IsActivity(vTop) Then
v.Top = dyT
If IsActivity(vBottom) Then
v.Height = 100%y - dyT - dyB
v.Height = vBottom.Top - dyT - dyB
End If
v.Top = vTop.Top + vTop.Height + dyT
If IsActivity(vBottom) Then
v.Height = 100%y - v.Top - dyB
v.Height = vBottom.Top - v.Top - dyB
End If
End If
End Sub

'Returns the Right coordinate of the given view
Public Sub Right(v As View) As Int
Return v.Left + v.Width
End Sub

'Returns the Bottom coordinate of the given view
Public Sub Bottom(v As View) As Int
Return v.Top + v.Height
End Sub

'Returns True if the view v is a Panel otherwise False
'Needed to check if the view is a Panel or an Activity
Public Sub IsPanel(v As View) As Boolean
If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.BALayout" Then
v.Left = v.Left
Return True
Return False
End Try
Return False
End If
End Sub

'Returns True If the View v Is an Activity otherwise False
'Needed to check if the view is a Panel or an Activity
Public Sub IsActivity(v As View) As Boolean
v.Left = v.Left
Return False
Return True
End Try
End Sub

alli tienes tu solucion compa


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Gracias por tu aporte, si hace lo que creo que hace me va a venir muy bien cuando lo use.
