I have a B4A procedure with several Pages
Every second the title of the currently visible Page is updated
The line I'm going to write on the title is made up of string1 which must be colored and string2 which must be black
I currently use this line of code to write the current page title
B4XPages.SetTitle(B4XPages.GetPage(B4XPages.GetManager.GetTopPage.Id ),cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Green).Append("C" & app_version & " ").pop.Append(conf_phone_number & " T" & NumberFormat((bat_temp/10),1,0) & " " & gps_on & gps_send_on).PopAll & cust_string)
On different smartphone it works correctly, but loading it on Samsung Tab 6 Lite tablet it doesn't 'color' string1 in the sense that it remains the default color, black
Can you help me figure out where is the error?
Or, how would you write the title of a page with different colors (that works correctly also on Tab6 lite) ?