Android Question Disable Network notification: "The internet is unavailable with..."


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Has anyone had this toast from android? When I connect to the esp8266 it pops this annoying msg like a toast message show.
Please help,
Thank you :)


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Has anyone had this toast from android? When I connect to the esp8266 it pops this annoying msg like a toast message show.
Please help,
Thank you :)

Different Android versions react differently when connected to a router that does not have access to the mothership but they universally do not like it. I guess Google does not like it when they can’t track you.

I have a variety of devices from Android 4.4 to 6.1 and they all work aside from these annoyances. It seems that if you regularly connect to the same not-internet-connected “router” like an ESP8266 in soft-AP mode, eventually Android gets used to it and quiets down. This has been the case with my devices.
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