iOS Question display pdf with canvas

Claude Brun

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Longtime User

I want to display pdf file on my app. I use this code
Sub btn_vuerecet_Click
    Dim pdf As PDFDocument
    Dim wRecet As recette
    Dim nf As String
    If SelectedRow = -1 Then
        Msgbox("Vous devez selectionner une recette","Lucullus")
        wRecet = lisRecet.Get(SelectedRow)
        nf = "luc_" & wRecet.nom & ".pdf"
        nf = nf.Replace(" ", "_")
        pdf.Initialize(File.DirDocuments, nf)
        pnl_pdf.Visible = True
        pnl_btnrecet.UserInteractionEnabled = False
        cvs.DrawPDF(pdf, 1, cvs.TargetRect)
    End If
End Sub

the firs time is ok. but if i display a new time, the old pdf is not clear.
how can i clear before display a new pdf.

I find this post

but i have thi error
Expected: B4IPanelView, object type: _UIScrollViewScrollIndicator

Can you help me

Thank a lot

Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
I draw so.

1) cvs.Initialize (...)
2) cvs.DrawColor (..)
For example, Colors.Transparent or Colors.White.
3) drawing as it is
4) cvs.Refresh and cvs.Release
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Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
I have no idea what does Release. No error is already good

Well, a sample is attached. Tested in IOS 14.5 simulator only. Each click shows next page (in cycle).


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