You can use displayMessage to show a task bar message as per below
However as you'll see below it says "OpenJDK Platform Binary" which is a bit unhelpful.
I found on Stack Overflow ( that if you set the icon to "NONE" then it will use your tray icon and not show the OpenJDK text.
Dim jo As JavaObject = icon1
jo.RunMethod("displayMessage",Array As Object("Success", "Changes pushed successfully", "INFO"))
However as you'll see below it says "OpenJDK Platform Binary" which is a bit unhelpful.
I found on Stack Overflow ( that if you set the icon to "NONE" then it will use your tray icon and not show the OpenJDK text.
Dim jo As JavaObject = icon1
jo.RunMethod("displayMessage",Array As Object("Success", "Changes pushed successfully", "NONE"))