Android Question Dissapointed

Tommy Sæthran

New Member
I was thrilled to find out about B4A since im familiar with I must say that i have not been so frustrated in years when evaluating a piece of software.

Im trying to make a simple web request to work. When reading on forums there are an ocean of different scripts. If you try one and it doesn't work, its ALWAYS "You must use this instead" , "that one is deprecated". None of the necessary files to get it to work is available for download unless your a paid user.

I FINALLY thought i got a hold of some code that would do the job, but then. "your project is to large, please purchase".

I must say that i really don't get the restrictions. If one is to evaluate the software, you really need to access whats needed to get it to work.



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Having spent the last 20 years programming various things in excel, to find I can program android and iOS apps in more or less the same language is just amazing. And to then realise that I don't need to learn Java and objective-C and write the same code twice? Superb!
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Longtime User
I'm surprised that you've been unable to get B4A to work for you - it's one of the things that 'sold' it to me. It worked really well and quickly whereas other tools just didn't.

The same for me. The one and only solution which works out of the box for easy android development.
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Im trying to make a simple web request to work. When reading on forums there are an ocean of different scripts. If you try one and it doesn't work, its ALWAYS "You must use this instead" , "that one is deprecated".

Hi Tommy,
one big difference between VB and B4A is the plattform you are developing for. As VB is made for Desktop/Server development - b4a is focused on mobile devices. As you know, this is a very volatil plattform. Things changing more rapidly....IMO: that something is depreciated shows, that B4A is up to date and anywheresoftware and the community is very fast in reacting aon new developments (Android versions and so on...).

I never regret to start with B4A while I am (still) developing with (good old) vb6 since more then 15 years.

best regards
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An Schi

Well-Known Member
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Maybe he expected an answer to his problem and not two pages of reviews ;)
(But then he should have made his problem more clear....)
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Longtime User
Hi Tommy,

Hope you are lurking this thread :)

I bought B4A few years ago and upgraded it. Initially I made some apps as testing and was happy. Now I have got so much work pressure of my desktop application development that I do not get time to even start B4A. Still I have upgraded it to latest version and will do so in future.

I know my case looks wired compare to yours. You see B4A has THIS Forum, where I sit and enjoy. You gave me one more chance to smile.

I believe you have got your self sorted out, but feel ... to acknowledge. Hey relax, we all fire all sorts of question and Erel is there to cool them off.
Just come back and enjoy.


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Longtime User
Well i am using b4a from 2013...every second pass i am learning new things ... not only from the same language/or creator of it(Erel)/but from a whole community/or just from my tries...

Every second/min/hour/day/month/year B4a and any other product of b4x gets bigger - having more features... from users that using it and sharing here.

Actually i want to say that... for me programming is always a try to get better results - You can;t just get the best results from 1st try.

Noone said that you can make a fortune from b4a - but i want to say that is much easier from any other product that says is a programming language.

For me is b4j came better from vb6... b4a just has no competitor.

I am programming from 1990.
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