Share My Creation DJ Alexavier 2.0 made w/ Basic4Android

The original DJ Alexavier app was a quick and dirty app to fill a quick request from a good friend. It was made with MIT's App Inventor 2.0 in 2 days.

The most requested feature by users was that the music be able to be played in the background while using other apps. The most requested feature by the client was that the app have a cleaner/nicer interface and the mixes be easier to update. While we both agreed that a hybrid app was the answer I decided that using phone gap was not the answer. I wanted to be able to mix using web and native features. Also wasn't sure how using a background service on phone gap would work. After a bit of research I found Basic4Android.

I have to be honest I was skeptical about b4a at first and I was unhappy about having to Install Windows on my MacBook to use it but I am so happy that we went this route. I was able to be very productive very quickly with Basic4Android. I was able to develop the native app in days. The rest of the 2 weeks I spent on learning the IonicFramework/AngularJS to make the web interface.

I learned so much from this project and I want to write a tutorial on how this entire app was created. Time permitting I will do just that.

More about the app on the FierceBlaze Games website.



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Longtime User
I hope you find the time to write a tutorial. It would be very interesting and helpful. I look forward to it.

I learned so much from this project and I want to write a tutorial on how this entire app was created. Time permitting I will do just that.

More about the app on the FierceBlaze Games website.

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