My next step was going to be creating a sub that, before exiting the firstrun, would go trought the libraries folde and create a list of all the existing libraries...
I can create and maintain a xml like file on the dll listing thread...
I can even go through the older dlls in order to retrieve the xml data..
But I need US to concour in a xml format...
This way, instead of going trough all the dll listing post and parsing it, it would only require to download the xml file and compare withe the lattest one on disk...
As I posted before... my xml file example would be something like...
<Client Side xml file>
<Total Dlls>2</Total Dlls>
<Dll 1>
<Name>Here we put the dll name</name>
<Description>Here we make a simple description of the Dll</Description>
<Download URL>\Forum........</Download URL>
<Desktop Dll File>xpto-desktop.dll</Desktop Dll File>
<Device Dll File>xpto-device.dll</Device Dll File>
<Desktop CS File>xpto-desktop.cs</Desktop CS File>
<Device CS File>xpto-device.cs</Device CS File>
<Help File>xpto.chm</Help File>
</Dll 1>
<Dll 2>
<Name>Here we put the dll name</name>
</Dll 2>
</Client Side xml file>
No extra work for developers, except the indicating me, what files to extract to libraries folder