I been able to successfully connect to clouldMQTT but I have not been able to connect successfully to adafruit.io.
With B4J I can connect but I am not been able to publish or subscribe. Adafruit has a nice platform for debugging and testing topics and payloads.
Thank you,Lee
I have also been able to connect using Arduino IDE, but not using B4R.
I really want to just use B4X products
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
mqtt.Initialize("mqtt", "tcp://io.adafruit.com:1883", "b4a")
Dim mo As MqttConnectOptions
mo.Initialize("user", "ccccccccccccccc840e")
End If
End Sub
Sub MQTT_Connected (Success As Boolean)
End Sub
Thank you for the helped. Adafruit.io is pretty awesome, and so is B4X.
It was a bit tricky to publish/subscribe. The below code was very helpful to my success.
Thank you for the snip-it also.
Shalom, Lee
Dim s As String = "abcde"
Dim bytes() As Byte = s.GetBytes("UTF8")
'and back
s = BytesToString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, "UTF8")
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