Do libraries use smart-linking? (And a few other things...)


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Do libraries use smart-linking? (If not, please add to wish list.)

So, if from a library with 100 general-purpose functions, I need to use just one, will all 100 be included in the distributable object? Memory size in mobiles is limited, so this would seem like a priority "fix".

Something like Python's FROM module IMPORT a,b,c etc. could be used to import only those functions that I need (and, possibly automatically, all their dependent functions within that same module.) This imports functions in the same namespace, so no need for Module.Function

Also, as many others have mentioned. #INCLUDE functionality is a must!

Preferably, with the support of conditional directives like:
#IFDEF xxx
#INCLUDE file1
#INCLUDE file2



and, maybe, #DEFINE (not like in C, but a simple conditional label definition, possibly taking an optional value, eg., #DEFINE LIST_SIZE 10). Or it could actually test DIM'ed labels.

I'm still learning this (apparently) great product, hoping to have a commercial app soon!

Is this tool available for other platforms (e.g., "dying?" Symbian) or only Android?

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