Do me a great service if you find me a way to this idea


Licensed User
Longtime User

I appreciate your efforts you are making for us.

I have a project I want to do it. I need your help.

An example of my need.

I have a picture inside an existing text. There are white spaces between the texts such as this image.

I want a way to detect these spaces and insert a button in this place is like this picture.

Do me a great service if you find me a way to this idea.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Unless there is a pixel monitoring in B4A, this is impossible.

However, if there IS a way to detect the color of the pixels,

You'd basically need it to sweep the image, find sections that are atleast XX pixels of pure white. If there is, insert button at that location.
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Licensed User
Longtime User

Thank you very much for help

You can get the value of a bitmap pixel with Bitmap.GetPixel.

Thank you very much for help
I will try.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Something to consider, is to possibly do some math to figure out the dominant pixel color (background). This will save you from running into issues where you set it to look for pure white... but its a off white instead...

but like i said, scan the image, make sure theres XX wide of open space, and XX high of the same space...

If you only do wide, it might put a image in the line breaks.
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