I suppose that your example code is referring the TableView object, which means that you have somewhere:
Private TabView As TableView.
There are no written rules for the naming.
In TabView.Initialize("TabView",False), the first parameter is the EventName given as a String, which is the generic name for the event routines of the view.
You can give it any name you want, but I use always the name of the view for the EventName, doing this I know which view the event routines belong to.
An exception is, when one event routine is called by different views of the same type, then I use a kind of generic name.
In that case you need the Sender object which holds the view that raised the event. And usual I use the Tag property to differentiate the sender views.
In your above example, if you had defined
then the event routine must have been
Sub BlaBla_SelectedChanged( i As Int, Cel As TableCell).
For the Tag property you can assign it any object, independant of the subject above.