Do pointers exist in basic4ppc?


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In C++ there are variables that can be declared pointers, so one can address more objects of the same type by setting a pointer to point to one of them.
This is very usefull, does that exist in b4ppc?




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No. They are considered dangerous due to type-safety and buffer overrun considerations and are discouraged in .NET based languages. C# for example offers reference parameters and delegates, which are type-safe function pointers, to avoid the need for the explicit use of pointers.

Also most objects in .NET are adressed by reference so setting a variable to an instance of a reference type is actually setting a pointer to it. For instance a Basic4ppc array is a reference type so if you assign the same arrays to two different array variables they will all actually be be the same array.

Dim A(10)
Dim B(0)
Dim C(0)
B() = A()
C() = A()
A(0) = "fred"
msgbox(B(0) & " " & C(0)) ' shows "fred fred"
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B() = A()
C() = A()
A(0) = "fred"
msgbox(B(0) & " " & C(0)) ' shows "fred fred"

Sorry for me being thick AGraham. Are you saying,

if I'm using an array a()
and want a copy of the data currently in the array, b()=a()
then alter the data in a()
when I go back to check my stored data in b(), it will have changed.

This sounds totally dangerous :sign0137:
Or have I totally misread or understood your post.


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Many thanks Agraham and Specci48.
This was something I was totally unaware of.

I knew ArrayCopy existed, but never knew why.
a()=b() Sorted :sign0060: NOT !!

I'm glad I asked the question, It might be of help to others.
I've probably spent hours in the past trying to figure out why arrays don't
contain the data I thought they should do.

copy array urelly written for the forum search

Ta guys
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