Do you make decent money with firebase admob? or other ads system?


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Hi, just a basic question for those who made an app and integrate AdMob, I know more downloads and more virality change the results.. but is it worth it? or is better to create an app and put a price straight?


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I own 4 apps on the app store and get about 10k views or so a day but I don't currently earn anything decent.
It takes me about 4-6 months to earn $100 off my apps, I have only one bottom banner ad and one interstitial ad. I did this to not annoy my users too much
But I think it depends on your app category and CPM/CPC for your country.

My country has a lower average CPC so this also affects my income. Some people earn a decent living from Admob and some do not.
Games especially earn a lot because they can use more ad types like reward ads which have higher pay.
It's a decision you have to make yourself. You can also put ads on the free version of the ads and remove it if the user pays or you can just put a price straight forward on it.
The only disadvantage of putting a price is you get lesser downloads/users but you get your money immediately.

In my case, students pay to access the app but I kept little ads there so that way I earn passively from free users(restricted features) and I earn a bit from payments from the students.

Just my thoughts ?


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I tried mediation before and got rid of it again.

for each advertiser you add your app grows in size aswell as you need to add their display sdk in your app.

sometimes it takes weeks up to months before the mediation works correctly.

my earnings are steady around 125-150 euros per month. it used to be a multiple of that years ago and sometimes half of it but I don't complain
as it pays back licenses and other costs.

my apps haven't been updated for over a year either which ain't good for visibility on google play either but it still seems to attract new people somehow.


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there are dozens of those alternatives or mediation grouping companies.

like in this case there's not much info exept the usual bragging unless you sign up. not even a real company address can be found.

don't be surprised that you'll see a minimum payout limit that's so high that you might never reach within years (unless you have 50.000+ daily users)
so the profits are always for them first.

I only use tappx (see link in my footer) as backup just in case admob didn't supply an interstitial and you can use it to earn money, to promote your app or both.
And I get a payout there aswell every few months. Not much (€50+) but all small bits help.


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You seem to be right, I just checked and I saw this...

for maybe others, this is not a problem but for me, it is as I can't use Paypal currently in my country. Waiting for my money to be $500 is a lot to me.

Yes, I once read of tappx... It should be useful to apps that have an international l market but once again for me sadly its not as my apps are made for my local country market. I would do some more research and see if I can find better alternatives for my apps.
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